Retro Moment: James Stockdale

Today's Retro Moment is on Admeral James Stockdale, H. Ross Perot's running mate in the 1992 presidential election. Admeral Stockdale recently passed away at the age of 81.
He'll be remembered as the guy who said the line "Who am I? Why am I here?" and the one who fumbled with his hearing aid during the vice presidential debates. It's a shame, because in reading the transcript of the debate, one really learns who this man was and what he was all about.
He was the John McCain figure before the senator ran for president. He was a POW who had some hard times and learned some hard lessons.
There is wisdom in his words. There are things he has said that are still very relevant today. Here's one of them:
I know how governments, how American governments can be -- can be courageous, and how they can be callow. And that's important. That's one thing I'm an insider on.
I was the leader of the underground of the American pilots who were shot down in prison in North Vietnam. You should know that the American character displayed in those dungeons by those fine men was a thing of beauty.
I look back on those years as the beginning of wisdom, learning everything a man can learn about the vulnerabilities and the strengths that are ours as Americans.
Today, will we be courageous or callow?
The choice is ours America.
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