Driving Over The Continental Divide

A series of mountain ridges extending from Alaska to Mexico that forms the watershed of North America. Most of it runs along peaks of the Rocky Mountains and is often called the Great Divide in the United States.
Does that make sense?
The way it was explained to me by a local is that this is the dividing line of where our nation's water goes. To the West of this line, water eventually falls into the Pacific Ocean and nearby places; to the East of the line, the water flows to the Atlantic and nearby places.
That is a pretty cool, if useless, piece of information I'm going to have to bring up during small talk someday.

I was intrigued. Plus, I wanted to say I was near the continental divide.

The people in the store were nice, and I almost bought a t-shirt for five bucks, just because I could.
If you'd like to know more about the area, you can learn more than you really would want to by visiting here. You can also check out Match.com's selection of area singles.
Forgive me folks, when you're making a 2000+ mile drive from Los Angeles to Atlanta, you have to find ways to kill time.
America's Treasures
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