Lazy Sunday in Wisconsin

Sunday Morning I attended the Memorial Presbyterian Church on College Avenue and Meade in Appleton. It had a small friendly congregation and a very engaging pastor.

The sermon, delivered by Charles Valenti-Hein, was based on Romans 12:9-21 and Matthew 16:21-28, and focused on many Christians' desire to make a "heaven on Earth". He was equally critical of both liberal and conservative churches' desire to do so, noting that these attempts are more about making a city in our own image than God's. He added that we do not "seem to want to have the cross in our church any more" and stated that we must "rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep".
The pastor was the fifth person who asked me about September 11th since I've been on the road.

I had lunch in the Milwaukee area with Ellie, and old friend from church, and her fiance Brian. Ellie's working as a massage therapist now (for those of you who have actually met her and care for an update) and they both seem happy and well.
They get married in six weeks. Good luck guys.
America's Treasures
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